Monitoring & Assessment

Envirowest provides comprehensive monitoring and assessment programs for development projects and for projects involved in the management of natural resources. We possess extensive experience in both the design and implementation of monitoring and assessment programs. To enhance our capability to conduct field programs, we maintain multiple sets of standard monitoring equipment, including remote data loggers, remote wildlife cameras, electroshockers, water quality instruments, nets, traps and boats. A fleet of field vehicles provides logistical support for field personnel. We work exclusively with accredited laboratories that guarantee quality control in the analysis of plant, water and soil samples.

Baseline Monitoring and Assessment

Baseline monitoring characterizes prevailing site conditions and collects information to facilitate the assessment of natural resource values. The assessment may be used to evaluate prospective impacts to resources associated with a development project, or to establish a foundation for a resource planning exercise. Baseline monitoring and assessment studies integrate existing information with field-collected data. Field activities include:

  • biophysical surveys;
  • rainfall and streamflow measurements;
  • surface water and groundwater sampling;
  • soil and sediment sampling;
  • plant areal cover estimates, and biomass and production sampling;
  • fish, herptiles and small mammal fishing and trapping; and
  • bird and mammal observational surveys.

The aforementioned field activities often form the foundation of a comprehensive ecological study, where resource values are defined and assessed in the context of management priorities, such as species-at-risk.

Construction Monitoring and Assessment

The construction phase of development projects are typically required by regulatory agencies to employ measures to mitigate impacts to natural resources. Construction activities are typically restricted to a defined footprint. Works may be restricted to ‘work windows’ that mitigate impacts to sensitive life history stages of fish and wildlife species. Activities in and about water are required to either be conducted ‘in the dry’ and/or in isolation of flowing water. Measures are implemented to minimize the risk of the release of deleterious substances to aquatic environments.

Envirowest is experienced in the monitoring of construction activities to ensure application of ‘best management practices’ and compliance with regulatory agency requirements. We possess the capability to assess the adequacy of mitigation measures, and recommend amendments and/or addenda to impact mitigation measures. We have prepared reports documenting monitoring activities, observations and recommendations for submission to local, provincial and federal government regulators.

Post-Project Monitoring and Assessment

Post-project monitoring activities are typically focused upon the assessment of the efficacy of measures implemented to offset residual impacts of development. Often, these measures consist of the restoration, enhancement or creation of fish and wildlife habitats.

The tenure of post-project monitoring typically ranges from 3 to 5 years. Post-project field activities mirror those for baseline monitoring and assessment.

Port Mann Highway No.1 Project
Kiewit-Flatiron, a joint venture of Peter Kiewit Sons Co. and Flatiron Constructors Canada Limited, is currently engaged in the design and construction of the Port Mann Highway No.1 Project. The Project includes the construction of a new Port Mann…
Canada Line Richmond, Vancouver International Airport
The Canada Line is a rapid transit system connecting central Richmond, the Vancouver International Airport and downtown Vancouver. Envirowest was retained by RAV Project Management Ltd., a subsidiary of the Greater Vancouver Transit Authority, to conduct a Fisheries and…
City Lumber Wetlands, Burnaby, British Columbia
Private industrial park development within southeast Burnaby required the infill of part of a small creek and drainage ditches. The affected creek and ditches formed part of an open drainage system that drained to the Fraser River through a…